Just a Texas Girl sharing some gardening tips!

phylicxia j moore

Hi! I’m Phylicxia J.  

With a Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture, a Master’s degree in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Environments, and nearly ten years of experience in soil conservation, I have had the privilege of working in Texas and Vermont communities.

I'm Phylicxia J. You're probably pondering, "NOW HOW IN THE WORLD DO YOU PRONOUNCE THAT!?" I get this often. Here. Let me assist. PHIL- LIX- SEE- YUH.

I'm a Spiritual Generations Cultivator. Simply put - I empower you to break down barriers (spiritual and financial) and extract weeds in your life to develop a healthy foundation to plant seeds of prosperity, not only for yourself but for generations to come.

I was born in Dallas, TX.; I moved to Waco, TX, at 12. I aspired to be a STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) Teacher - Math was my jam! Little did I know, life had other plans. This is where my AG WAY life began.

Here's how: 

The church I attended in Waco, TX., Carver Park B.C, had land that was just was not being utilized to its full capacity. So, the Back to Earth Gardening Coalition, now Heart of Texas Urban Gardening Coalition, approached me about managing a community garden that would be on the church property. They elected me because they knew my family was big on gardening, and my decent amount of experience as a young person was a plus as well. [Side bar I would be remiss if I didn't mention Deacon, Bro. H. Jackson. Bro. Jackson was a dynamic volunteer (who also taught me to use a weed eater) and helped manage the church garden from the start. With his help, I managed the community gardening until completion of High School.]

In my senior year of High School, I was nominated for the Rotary Club of Waco Youth Citizenship Scholarship Award. During the interview, I was asked what college I would be attending and my major. With confidence, I replied, "Prairie View A&M University, majoring in Agriculture!" [WHAT JUST HAPPENED!??? Teaching just zoomed out of the window.] But not really. I pursued my degree in Ag and education as a minor, so essentially, I got the best of both worlds.

That brings us to today. Because of my love for teaching & educating, I started the A.G. Way [Agriculture for Generations] to equip the everyday person and family with the necessary tools and confidence to accomplish at-home gardening and sustainability for the community and future generations.

When I’m not busy providing conservation services to our nation’s farmers, you can catch me:

  • enjoying cuddle time with my four-legged child, Amber Girl

  • building the population of my compost worm farm

  • singing in the community ecumenical choir

  • or planning my next trip out of the country (post COVID) !



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phylicxia j moore the ag way speaking engagements

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