Meet Dr. Kirthell Roberts: African Americans in Agriculture Spotlight Series

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East Texas’ Finest, meet Rev. Dr. Kirthell Roberts!

Tell us a little bit about yourself. What is your agricultural background?

I was raised in rural East Texas on a small farm. My college major was Ag Technology with emphasis on Soil Science. I had a 37-year career with the USDA as a Soil Scientist and Natural Resource Manager.

Wow! With 37 years in your career, give us an idea of what you accomplished during that time?

I spent 26 years of my career identifying, delineating and classifying soils for agricultural, industrial and residential uses. I also worked as a Natural Resource Manager. I enjoyed engaging farmers, operators, and land users to reach their land use objectives.

With quite the background in Agriculture, tell me, what is it like being an African American in Agriculture in today’s society?

You can be considered a "triple minority." Race, resources and rarity!

How do you think the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the agricultural industry?

It has and is having a devastating effect: crashing markets, dropping prices and making product to customers difficult.

With that being said, what words of encouragement or advice would you give to someone interested in pursuing a career in Agriculture?

As long as the general public consumes food, you will always have employment!

Do you provide any agricultural services?

Only occasionally to groups as a speaker or to provide assistance on field days.

Any additional words you’d like to share?

Let us protect this God given land!

Dr. Kirthell Roberts Soil Scientist/Natural Resources Manager Retired USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service
Mount Pleasant, TX



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