Meet Corylee M. Thomas: African Americans in Agriculture Spotlight Series


Meet East Texas native, Corylee Thomas!

So, Corylee, tell us a little bit about your agricultural background.

Growing up in East Texas, I was surrounded by natural resources. We had the Sabine National Forest and Toledo Bend Lake in our back yard. We also raised our own meat and most of our vegetables, along with hunting and fishing. At an early age, I understood the relationship between conservation and sustainability. I always have had a passion for natural resources and agriculture.

What exactly is your agricultural profession? What is your favorite part about what you do?

Working for NRCS, our focus is "helping people help the land." Prior to becoming a Natural Resource Specialist, I was a Soil Conservationist/District Conservationist. The biggest reward was working with the producers and seeing plans unfold for the greater good. Seeing the land and the landowners benefit from the practices that were installed to correct an issue.

Tell me, what is it like being an African American in Agriculture in today’s society?

It can be challenging at times--- breaking stereotypes, and showing that you can communicate with others at different levels of Agriculture.

How do you think the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the agricultural industry?

I feel that the pandemic has highlighted the agricultural industry and strengthened it in ways. Any time I see a farmer's market, it is flooded with people. Even in the grocery stores, people are buying more meat and fresh vegetables. So the demand for fresh foods have increased, which is a positive for the Ag Industry. I also think that it has made people think more about where their food comes from.

What words of encouragement or advice would you give to someone interested in pursuing an agricultural career or operation?

I would encourage anyone pursuing an agricultural career or operation, do not be afraid to explore and experiment with different aspects of agriculture. We all have our place in agriculture. We are all needed to keep producing food and fiber for the world.

I am always open to a conversation related to agriculture. I will be glad to help any way I can!

Corylee M. Thomas Natural Resources Specialist. USDA- Natural Resources Conservation Service
Temple, TX.


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