Meet Reid Turner: African Americans in Agriculture Spotlight Series

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From H-Town (where it goes down! 😄), meet Reid Turner.

Let's start with the basics. Reid, tell us what agriculture means to you and how you got started.

Agriculture means a great deal to me. After graduating from PVAMU and working for the Department of Eligibility for SNAP I began to see a need for healthy food in low income areas. I began doing research before joining Beautys Community Garden as volunteer. I then became the outreach coordinator after creating a few events but specifically the Black History Celebration of growing food.

What exactly is your agricultural profession? What is your favorite part about what you do?

I am currently the Outreach Coordinator at Beauty’ Garden. I am also a teacher in HISD where I have been approved to implement and restart the garden club based on my knowledge. My favorite part is engaging and connecting with people and educating them on things they did not know about agriculture.

Tell us what it's like being an African American in Agriculture in today’s society?

Being an African American in Agriculture today is recognizing the past so that we can help affect the future. Many of our families came from an agricultural background based on our American History, and was then disregarded by many of us for numerous reasons. I feel that if we recognize our gifts and start to come back to agriculture, we as African Americans can bring back that presence we initially had in the past.

I like that perspective. How do you think the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the agricultural industry?

The Covid pandemic did slow the agriculture industry down for a minute, but many people began to see the essentials in gardening, eating the right foods, and overall Healthy living. At Beauty’ Garden, we have volunteers all the time that see how important agriculture is.

Awesome! So, what words of encouragement or advice would you give to someone interested in pursuing an agricultural career or operation?

Have a plan on what you want to do in agriculture and do not deter from your path. You are doing something special. The world needs to eat. It’s not just a career, you are helping your community even if you don’t know it. The world needs you!

Do you provide any agricultural services? If so, what are they and how can others learn more?

Yes, feel free to come volunteer at Beauty's Community Garden and even buy some of the produce we grow. If you’re a beginner gardener, follow my page @ValleyCrewReid on IG for garden tips.

Are there any other words you would like to share?

Thank you for the opportunity and what you do. These platform are essential in recognizing people that are trying to make a difference in the community and I appreciate you for considering me.

Thank YOU for taking the time to share a little bit of your story with us, Reid. We appreciate your representation in the community and all that you do in the world of Agriculture!

Reid Turner Outreach Coordinator/Influencer/Educator Beauty's Community Garden; HISD
Houston, TX
Phone: 713-855-1013. Email: IG: @ValleyCrewReid


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