3 Tips to Starting Your At-Home Garden

the ag way pjhylicxia j moore

As we continue to face the effects of the current pandemic (lack of employment, limited access to essential needs, etc.), it becomes more and more imperative that we take control of and grow our food. Why you ask? Growing your food is cost-efficient, more nutritious, self-sustaining, and rewarding as you will be bringing your food to the table!

Here's how you can get started!


    Choosing the right location for your garden is essential to its success. You want to select an area with 1) at least 6hrs of sunlight; 2) moist, well-drained soil; and 3) a stable environment free of heavy traffic and winds.


    When planning your location and deciding on plot size, remember to start small and expand as you gain more experience. One of the most common mistakes when starting a garden is planning and growing too much too soon. If your idea is to feed the whole neighborhood, then by all means----- go big or go home! However, if you’re planning to feed your family (4 people or less) with a little leftover in the season, consider a 10’x10’ plot with rows going North and South.

    *If planning for an apartment patio garden, stay tuned for our Patio Gardening post.


    When deciding which vegetables to plant, choose those vegetables that you know your family eats. Be sure to be realistic about how much you will eat as well.

    You also want to purchase high-quality seeds to ensure germination. These can be bought from a nursery in-store or online. It also helps to soak seeds in water for 24 hrs before planting. Planting instructions are usually found on the back of the seed packet.

  4. Not sure when to plant?

    Here’s a regional guide to help! https://www.burpee.com/findgrowzone

Alright! That should get you started! Be sure to share your stories and pictures with us at phylicxiaj@gmail.com. We'd love to hear from you!


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